Damian’s Bio

Damian Stoy is the founder of Wholistic Running. He is a renowned coach and biomechanics specialist having coached hundreds of runners since 2010. In addition to being a certified running coach, Damian is a nutritional coach with a certification in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell.

As a professional runner, Damian has raced in over 150 road and trail races. He raced injury-free for over 11 years including over 40 ultra marathons, winning 8 of them. Damian is on the prestigious list of Great Vegan Athletes and has been featured in Endurance News, UltraRunning and Trail Runner magazines. He was an academic all-conference athlete at the University of Massachusetts and graduated cum laude. Damian coached and designed training programs for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and now focuses on personalized online coaching for runners of all levels.

Damian found his passion for running over 15 years ago. But chronic running injuries in 2002 kept him from running for over two years. After years of trying just about everything conventionally used for recovery, nothing helped. A few doctors and physical therapists even told him he would never be able to run again!

Damian learned it wasn’t running that was causing the injuries but how he incorrectly ran, ate and trained that caused injuries.

Finding this solution changed Damian’s life. It allowed him to run pain-free and enter the world of ultramarathon running as a professional.  Damian raced injury-free for over 11 straight years while running faster with less effort and more fun.

Damian travels extensively to teach, coach and give talks. His passion is teaching his unique approach which has had tremendous results for hundreds of runners of all abilities.